Monday, November 24, 2008

What are we Thankful for?

What are we thankful for is something we ask at this time of the year? I know that I have been Blessed for a very long time, with family, friends (both online and off) and life. I thank God every day for the Blessings He has graciously bestowed on me. All I have to do is look at my husband and children...God has Blessed me with them and our families that unite us together.

My thoughts wander during this holiday season for the things that I am Thankful for. The opportunity to grow and fellowship with my church family, that has become my extended family. For the opportunity, even though for a short time, to meet and be Blessed by my Sister-in-Christ Ms. Lola who passed earlier this year. For my health. For my families health. My father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer about 3 months ago. He is Healed by Our Father in Heaven, who was with the surgeons, his staff, and my father when he elected to have the surgery to remove the prostate. His first ever major surgery. He has been healing well and slowly getting back to the things he did prior to surgery. God is Great!!! For the birth of Baby Lydia, my Sister-in-Christ Beth's second child that was born at 24 weeks...16 weeks early. God has not only provided Grace, Mercy and Strength to their family, but He has protected Lydia through all of the good and bad days. Even though she currently weighs 1 lb 14 oz, and has fought to survive, God promises that she will be a great Hope for others and she will be a testament to all those preemie babies (micro-preemies in her case), that HOPE & FAITH in God Our Father, can bring you through ANYTHING!

I could sit and continue over and over for what I am Thankful for, but the most important thing that I am thankful for, more than anything, any word can describe is that Jesus Christ died for ME, so that I would have eternal life!

May God richly bless you and your family this holiday season and always!

Julie D

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